Pros And Cons Of Pesticides

916 Words2 Pages

In 1952, India was the first country to introduce pesticides to the world. Over sixty years ago, the world population stood at approximately 2.7 billion. While today the world population stands at over 7.4 billion (worldometers, 2016). Due to the upturn in global population, pesticides play a crucial role in the ability to produce adequate food to sustain our ever growing population. Pesticides not only carry multiple benefits for public health, they also help to boost our economy. However, many argue that the potential health risks associated with residue left on produce outweighs any of the benefits pesticide usage generates. In contradiction to anti pesticide theorist, this paper will outline the stakeholders in pesticides, and the safety These benefits include a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Some fruits and vegetables have also been proven to protect against certain cancers. According to Ian Brown, as cited in Aktar, Sengupta, & Chowdhury (2009) the benefits derived from eating fruits and vegetables greatly outweighs the risk of consuming low pesticide residue that may be found on them. Pesticides allow for these beneficial foods to grown in higher yields, better quality, and in some cases longer shelf life. Finally, pesticides aid in the growth of our economy. Use of pesticides safeguard the crop yield needed to feed the world. A domino effect would occur if pesticides were eliminated. Pesticide companies, who employ thousands, would be forced to downsize and lay off workers. Farmers, without pesticides would not be able to sustain the increased production yields needed, and food prices would begin to inflate. Consumers would then see shorter shelf-life of produce, and be obligated to spend more money on foods and less on additional products causing a downfall in our economy (Aktar, Sengupta, & Chowdhury

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