Pros And Cons Of Mandatory School Uniforms

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A growing issue for modern schools that is almost impossible to avoid nowadays is the question of students’ appearance. Whereas children and teens would most likely enjoy dressing the way they want, teachers and education authorities lean toward students wearing standardized uniforms over free dress. As with any argument, there are many opponents and proponents of a mandatory enabling of school uniforms, both with reasonable arguments in favor of their claims. However, it is in my opinion that students should not be forced to wear uniforms, as it can negatively affect their personalities. To begin, a commonly used argument against the implementation of public school uniforms is that they restrict students’ freedom of expression. Although …show more content…

In his book regarding school uniforms in America, David Brunsma,PhD and Professor of Sociology, reviewed past studies on the effect of uniforms on academic performance. In his study, he came to the conclusion that there is no connection between a mandatory school uniform and academic achievement. (Wilde 4) (Brunsma) Brunsma also co-authored a study with a Kerry Rockquemore that analyzed a national sample of 10th graders and found “no effects of uniforms on absenteeism, behavioral problems, or substance use on campus” and “no effects” on “pro-school attitudes, academic preparedness, and peer attitudes toward school.” Similarly, it is often brought to attention by supporters that improvements in school safety and student behavior in the Long Beach Unified School District from 1993-95 resulted solely from the introduction of school uniforms; however it is unlikely that that was that case for other reform policies, such as a $1 million project to develop alternative teaching strategies, were implemented around the same time. (Brunsma and

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