Pros And Cons Of Later School Start Times

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Every fall teens wake up all groggy and tired because of school starting early. To stop that schools could start later. Why you say because young, growing teens need sleep. And it is proven what growing teens need at least 8 hours a day, they're not getting it. This is why schools should start later.

Many students will say if school started later they will show significant improvements in school performance. In the article “5 Pons and Cons of Later school start times” it’s states that If school started later students would make significant improvements in school performance. Many School districts that experimented with later start times found that students coped with academic workloads much better. Also a study on University of Minnesota found that grades, test scores and overall performance in core subjects advanced significantly when school start times were switched to later hours. So if school districts experimented with later start times and it helped students coped with academic workloads then why aren't we doing later start times. Plus the University of Minnesota said that grades, test scores and overall performance is better when schools started later. If
There is multiple facts and reasons to have later start times help students get through the school day. BY helping students get better grades, test scores, and overall better. And teens these days aren't getting the sleep they need to wake up early and go to school. SO that is why school should have later start times. IF schools started later we wouldn't have all these tired and groggy students coming to school we would have students that are refreshed and ready to learn. We will have students that have good grades. We will have students who have better test scores. And we will have students with overall better performance.I what you right now pick up your phone and call your district and say we want later start

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