Procedural Vs. Procedural And Substantive Due Process

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Introduction According to the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution, the government is not allow to take away any individual’s life, liberty or property without a fair due process of law. Within the due process we can find the substantive and procedural process (Wasserman, 2004). The substantive put limits on the government actions such as interfering with certain personal basic interest. However, the procedural process protects the accused individual’s rights by ensuring that such person has the opportunity to be heard, and get a fair trial.

Procedural vs. Substantive Due Process Due process is a legal obligation that the state should adhere to the legal rights which are normally owned by the individuals who may be facing criminal or civil dealings. In every due process is very essential to one always questions whether the government has denied one party’s life, freedom, or property as they pursue their pleasure. The due process does integrate certain protections which consist of bill of rights such as the right to …show more content…

The state should always observe them in ensuring that an individual faces a fair and impartial trial which they have been accused of. The procedural due process is concerned with verifying that the law was applicable and convincing. Also involves the arrest and examination of the charges brought forward.

Pressman, R., & Weinstein, S. (1990). Procedural Due Process Right in Students discipline. Cambridge , Massachusetts: Center for Law and Education.
Strong, F. (1986). Substatntive Due process of law: A Dichotomy of sense and Nonsense. Durham: Carolina Academic Press.
Wasserman, R. (2004). Procedural Due Process: A Reference guide to the United States Constitution. Wesport:

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