Pretty Hurts

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You could say it. On June 25th, you were five years of no bulimia, not a single burp in your timeline with the problem. But it wasn't like there were many people to celebrate it with. Sure, there were the few friends you had told about it to but what would they say the reason for a party was? Hoopla, you don't puke your net worth of fluid into a toilet. You go girl! That's just so exciting and so many people would just love to come to that. Thankfully, you had a little party coming up. Just a few friends coming over for no reason really, but Jack had the urge to throw it. Just thinking about the conversation brought a petite smile to your face ~☺~☺~☺~ "Hey babe," seeing the look in his eyes you could tell this was going to be good. "I was thinking since we haven't really been to a gathering. I was thinking that maybe we could have a party." "Mhm, so how many people have you invited without telling me?" you told, he was predictable like that. But he was oblivious to his obviousness as he shifted his eyes to the floor, showing his interior motive just like that. "Uh, just 30 people. A couple co-workers, a few old friends. Nothing to special on June 28th." Giving him a look of suspicion, you continued asking, "Formal or casual? Any children? Any other things I should know that you aren't telling me?" "Nah, that's about it. Now I got to go and do some stuff. Cya, Naut." kissing your cheek, he rushed to the door to do whatever the weirdo was up to. God, he was weird. ~☺~☺~☺~ Everything was dandy. People were mingling, food was being stuffed into their bodies, and the party was fine. You even got to catch up with people you hadn't talked to in months. You wouldn't have known Charu was pregnant with Isaac's ki... ... middle of paper ... ...uld feel a guilt so strong and painful. It was my fault this all happened and I'm selfish because I didn't want an image of your weakness as my last memory of you. Now I just wish I had a last one." "Hey, Naut? I don't think you'll mind if you take a swig of hard vodka at your grave since you're dead, right?" pulling out a plain silver flask with his initials in monogram. Soon enough, he was intoxicated, he even poured some of the alcohol onto the stone. "You like daaat, don't ya? Nowya can get drunkin eaven!" he said while slipping the flask back in his pocket while standing up. He put down a bouquet of red flowers beside your stone, "Hey, don't you think it would be romantic if we died side by side? Not at the same time. Just next to each other? I think it would be." "I hope you don't mind this noise. It'll only be a second and we'll be together again."

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