Prejudice And Racism In The United States

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Racism has been part of our history many years ago, it stills continues to this day unfortunately. As a hispanic, I extremely understand what it’s like to be judged and criticized to be a racist, it’s very nerve-wracking when a relative in a family says that we don’t hang out with blacks because they are known to kill people, which myself disagrees. From what i’ve learned by surrounding my self with darker colored skinned people, they are not all that bad, they are also very down to earth people, we all just have to get to know them, who knows we may be judging them on their appearance and not who they are on the inside. It very much aggravates me when people ask me “Your hispanic, don’t you hate black people” or “Your spanish, aren’t you all racists?”, my answer to them …show more content…

It annoys me that I HAVE to hide myself at my friends place just to be hanging out with someone who is darker than me. I am always being told that it’s not who we hang out with. I PROMISE you most of latin people will say that they hate african americans. Needless to say as a person, I am not a judgmental person, I am very openminded to whom I become friends with, i’m friends with different people from different cultures due to them being judged, bullied, neglected. My heart is broken in pieces when I see someone being bullied because they are accused of being a terrorist, or a communist etc. I have a huge heart for everyone, but not for people being a racists. On an interview one actor was questioned about what he felt about racism in this world his response?.. “I don’t believe in racism, I understand that it’s everywhere everyday, but I am not a supporter of it at all.” the interviewer asked him how it could be stopped.. the actors answer was simply.. “How to stop racism?, don’t speak of it, don’t talk about it, stop judging people by their looks and appearance, get to know the

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