Pre-Modern Society Essay

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While is a common conception that pre-modern societies are primitive compared to their modern counterpart, this is not often the case, theses societies have complex systems within their society especially within their spirituality and religion. It is this complexity that has allowed aspects of pre-modern societies to evolve and adapt into modern societies. Myths, rituals and sorcery have been terms to describe the activities of pre-modern societies, but these activities have also been found to exist within modern society as well. This essay will further discuss the connections between pre-modern and modern societies that has allowed for myths, rituals and sorcery to exist in the modern societies.

The term myth comes from the Greek mythos and …show more content…

It is the complexity, importance and influence within the pre-modern societies that has allowed myths, rituals and sorcery to evolve and adapt, and thus continuing into the modern day, often holding a promote and important role within the modern societies, as they once did with the pre-modern.
Word count 1200

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