Poverty Essay

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What does it mean for someone to be on the lines of poverty or living in poverty? What is this word that is falsely used and missed analyzed? Poverty is the state of being extremely poor or being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount. In 2010, 16.4 million children, or 22.0 percent, were poor in the United States alone. (Tanner, 2014) The poverty rate for children also varies substantially by race and origin. If the rate of poverty continues to rise, will there be any hope left in humanity? The real question is not what is poverty but why is there so many people living in it. The ideal job of the government (federal and state) is to create a better/safer environment for the people. The model the “government” campaign is that everything they do is for the “benefit” of the people. When does the word “benefit” come into play when twenty-two percent of the population cannot supply a place for their children to sleep, put food on the table, and get a job that pays well enough to support their family. Are there any real benefits knowing families living in poverty have only one percent of a chance of getting out? Who is to blame? Where and how did this problem all start? What is this so called “government” doing to help stop the increasing rate of poverty? As you read this essay, it will explain what it means to be truly poor and why the government does so little to help. Include real stories from people living in poverty, what the government is doing to help (and if it’s enough), and is the problem of poverty becoming worst or slowly rising to become better.
The United States determines the official poverty rate using poverty thresholds that are issued each year by the Census Bureau. The thresholds represent the annual amount ...

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...ay today, the federal government has only decrease the percentage of children living in poverty by one percent, although trillions of dollars were spent trying to do so. How can we, the people make our voices be heard, after all it is our tax money that is getting used and abused the wrong way. What can we do to put an end to poverty? We will soon live in a world where there will be just the rich and just the poor. The middle class is what makes the economy what it is today. The middle class can either break or make an economy. The middle class is where majority of the spending, taxes, and every other government profit comes from. Now, what do we do when all of that is gone? So, the War on Poverty has been a catastrophe. Why wasn't anything done about this before now? And, what should be done about it now? And, why are progressives falling all over themselves?

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