Positive Discipline Research Paper

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Guiding young children could be challenging without child development knowledge. One of the major problems that teachers may experience in their work environment, maybe children's behavioral issues. Either because some of these children may have a cognitive disability like Autism, ADHD, or other learning disorder that limit them to reach their main goals; Therefore, they become frustrated and misbehave to awake their despair in others, or perhaps, these children may be exposed to a poor quality environment at home that leads them to a lack of social-emotional skills that lead them to misbehave. However, if teachers use the positive discipline strategies to solve behavior issues, misbehaving problems can be decreased and positive attitude towards school and peers can improve. Also, supporting parents and guiding them with the proper resources to solve their issues is crucial. It is crucial for teachers to have a reciprocal relationship with parents. Therefore, they can exchange ideas, decisions, the discuss children's academic …show more content…

They might consider this because ever since the beginning of mankind, traditional discipline has always been used to discipline kids and throughout all these years it has worked. They might also judge that positive discipline is too soft on the children and the children are not learning proper behavior through it. In their minds spanking and other physical punishments work instead; however, "according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, in fact, spanking is considered the least effective disciplinary method parents use" (Finley 1). Not only is spanking is not respectful towards the child, harmful for their mental and emotional feelings, and encourages violence, but also does little to nothing in teaching their kids to behave and leading to major damage and lots of problems in the

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