Pony Brother In 'The Outsiders'

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The Outsiders, is a story narrated by the 14 year old character named Pony boy. Pony boy Curtis lives with his older brothers Soda pop and Darry,since their parents passed away in a car accident The big question is,"Should Pony boy continue to live with his brothers,or should he live in a boy's home?" Pony boy and his two brothers are members of a Greaser gang,meaning they are considered delinquents by others in their town.The Greaser's main problem was getting jumped by another gang called "the Socs." The Greasers also had other members named Dally and Johnny.They eventually die from harsh circumstances. After Dally and Johnny's death,Pony boy's grades started to drop. Darry,Pony boy's older brother, confronts Pony boy about his failing grades,and a huge fight happens between them. Soda, Pony boy's middle …show more content…

So,I think that Pony boy should stay with his two older brothers.The brothers love each other and have strong bonds.The brothers work hard and want to stay together.Ponyboy tries harder in school,and will be supported by his family. The story,"The Outsiders" is a story about a 14 year old boy who went through many heartbreaking events.But, all his life events brought him together with a strong family.It wasn't a typical family,but a family of three young

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