Polk Psychiatric Hospital Case Study

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The late Eleanor Roosevelt once said no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Hello, and good morning I am Colin Sumner, from the Leegan, Leegan, & Leegan law firm. Today you will hear from me while representing the plaintiff Bailey Kissner. Today you will hear the tragic story of a dream. Not one like Martin Luther King Jr. had and that died when he was assassinated; but a regular one. Imagine all of your dreams shased. Imagine all of your possible winning and awards taken from you, not from a bank, but from a man. A man with one tire iron and who was mentally unstable. Martin Dutcher, a highschool teacher who was diagnosed with Intermittent Explosive Disorder or IED was this dream snatcher. But he was not the one whose fault this is Polk psychiatric hospital …show more content…

Today you will hear from Dr. Avery James who resigned because of he felt that by working at such an installation was morally corrupt. To paraphrase what Bob Dylan once said that, people very rarely do what they believe in, they do what is convenient then repent. Today you will hear that story of Polk Psychiatric Hospital doing what was convenient. It was convenient financially, and personally. To get rid of a paint with a rare disease. Today as the planktic we must present you with the facts bearing the burden of proof. In this trial as the judge will explain to you must only find the odds 49 to 51%. Will show you three other things that the judge will explain to you. The first is breathing, we will show you that Polk breached their obligation to society by releasing Martin Dutcher. The next topic is duty, the fact that Polk did not uphold their duty to society by releasing Martin Dutcher. Bailey Kissner never gave their consent just like anyone else who had their dreams shamed. But Polk Psychiatric Hospital didn't give him the opportunity to say that he will consent so now we are here. This trial is more than a corrupt penny-pinching hospital and someone golf

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