Policies And Procedures When Working With Children Essay

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All policies and procedures and local guidelines are put in place in day to day work with children and young people. Under the child protection Act staff are checked if they are suitable to work with children or not. In my setting if the manager is recruiting new staff members, they go through a DBS checks to make sure they have no criminal convictions. For example if I had any criminal convictions I would not be allowed to work with children or young people. I follow the health and safety policy by doing risk assessments in every room. We also do risk assessments throughout the day on a daily basis. We do a room risk assessment and a garden one. Risk assessments are very important in safeguarding children. If I notice any risks within the …show more content…

We also have a visitors policy where all staff and visitors are recorded . When signing children in and out we make sure there are always two members of staff at the front door. In my setting we also encourage children not to put up with any behaviour from the adults or children that makes them feel threatened. We give them an opportunity to learn that no one has the right to do anything with them that makes them feel uncomfortable. We also promote this by talking about PANTS. We also have our confidentiality policy. We make sure every staff member has a clear understanding of the meaning of maintaining confidentiality. In my setting all parents have a very good bond with all staff members and all parents are aware that their family will be treated with confidence. No information is shared without their agreement except in the case of safeguarding children. All information is locked away in a filing cabinet. We follow the Children Act 1989 and 2000 by making sure children are safe from abuse and neglect. All staff members are able to recognise the signs of abuse and know how to report it. We always ensure the child’s voice is heard. We make sure children are enable to put across their views and ensure their rights are

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