Police Brutality Essay

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Police brutality is not being solved in the way that it should because of racial profiling, these officier are cruelly racist. These officers have the right to pull someone over because of their skin tone and falsely accuse someone of being armed, giving them a reason to act violent towards the civilian. An officer's denial of their actions is also a barrier to solving the problem. A way to counteract this would be the use of body cameras to catch what really happens during the police encounter. Another problem is that people do not care, if police brutality is not affecting them they will not see the problem. Finally, a big barrier is that civilians do not fight back enough. If people want to make a change protesting allows them to do …show more content…

Extensive training for officers on how to de-escalate intense situations and how to use non-lethal force will decrease the number of deaths on the job. Police departments should consider new techniques for officers when encountering a civilian so nothing gets out of hand. The department can require officers to de-escalate situations before resorting to force. Forcing the officers to give verbal warning before using force will most likely avoid the violence. Training officers to use other weapons than guns will definitely lower the number of deaths because if an officer is given a gun they feel the right to use it in any situation and will cause the deaths of innocent people. Some benefits for excessively training the officers are replacing deadly weapons, it will decrease the number of death on the job. It will also make the conversations between officer and the civilian that was stopped easier because they will not fear that they will get shot at. A disadvantage is the training length in America. In America, training is done within a few weeks and are old done like every 2 years. While in England, training takes a year or a few because there is more to being a police then just being able to hold and shoot a gun. To be an officer it takes much time. Police must be educated, physically and mentally, they also have to have communication skills and to know what is right from

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