Police Body Cameras Essay

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Police officers need to be equipped with body cameras to monitor their actions due to the recent uprising in police brutality cases. This camera would make so people could monitor the officers’ actions easier, and have less controversy over police shootings. The American civilians are looking for change in the way the police are monitored, and this is the change that Americans need. Body cameras are a camera that would be located on the outside of every vest that an officer wears. Body cameras can provide visual evidence of what is happening at the time of a crime and can be used in the court of law. Police brutality is the abuse of police power, and violence against citizens. There is a high precedence of this brutality today, and it needs to be monitored in a fair and just way. The American people should not fear the officers that are hired to protect them, and should not shy away due to the thought of brutality when an officer is needed. In less fortunate places of America, such as Detroit and Compton, many people resent and despise the police due to the brutality used against them. With all the racism going on across the United States, the last thing the people need is racism in the police force. “If …show more content…

The San Diego Police Department also released a report showing the use of Axon body-worn cameras resulted in a 41% drop in complaints, 60% drop in total allegations and a 47% decline in "personal body" force by officers. The use of pepper spray was also reduced by 31%. In a study by Arizona State University, the Mesa Police Department's use of Axon cameras revealed a 48% reduction in citizen complaints against camera officers for misconduct during the study period, and a 75% decline in use of force complaints. (Orange,

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