Poem Analysis Of Sharon Olds On The Subway

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“On the Subway,” by Sharon Olds as she contrasts the two worlds of a wealthy Caucasian and a indigent African-American. The Caucasian narrator, a female, describes how this black man appears to her as she fears for her life as if he is ready to prey on her. She brings two worlds from different backgrounds together through the use of imagery and fearful and hopeful tones. Throughout Olds poem imagery is constantly being used as a way to describe the world of this poor black man. In lines 2-10, she details the appearance of the black man, specifically “he has the casual cold look of a mugger” (line 8). Already viewing him as a thief because of his skin color. Next, she describes how his shoelace were tied, stating in lines 2-4 “in black sneakers …show more content…

I look at his raw face, he looks at my fur coat, and I don’t know if I am in his power —” focuses on the fact that she is wearing a very expensive clothing that this poor man has his eyes on. He looks as though he may attack her and take the dark fur from her. At this point Olds begins to question who is in control, realizing that she may not be in power and her views may be wrong all along. Towards the ending the tone changes to hopeful. She has come to an understanding of their two different worlds. Lines 26-31 “There is no way to know how easy this white skin makes my life, this life he could take so easily and break across his knee like a stick the way his own back is being broken,” the black man has now become powerful. She compares how the black man’s back is being broken relating to slavery where they used to work all day and get whipped, but just as his life is harmful so is hers; their worlds connect. At the ending she hopes for a brighter future for both the black man and herself; the world “light” brings on a more determined ending rather than a doubtful one. The tone in her writing develops a particular message to readers; from how the writer is frightened to how the white woman understands and hopes for a better

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