Physics Of Volleyball Essay

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Hannah Bickel
Sister MaryAnn Tarquinio
16 November 2015
Informative Paper
The Physics of Volleyball There is aspects of physics in almost every aspect of volleyball. Volleyball also follows the three laws of motion provided from Sir Isaac Newton.
The first law of motion states that, “An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion continues in motion with constant velocity unless the object experiences a net external force” (Serway Faughn). If an object has no net external force, it also has no acceleration. The net force of an object is discovered using the vector sum of the forces effecting the object and also using the resultant vectors. When one serves a ball into the net it changes the motion of the ball. Likewise, …show more content…

Displacement is an object or in this case a person’s change in position. Whereas when a ball is served, it has an average velocity and average acceleration. A hitter has many aspects they have to consider before attacking a ball. A hitter must observe the trajectory, speed, and placement of the set. The placement of the set is also an example of displacement. The set is moving from point A in the setter’s hands to point B where the hitter will attack the ball. When approaching a ball the hitter has kinetic energy but needs to possess potential energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of the hitter based on motion and is dependent on other objects. Potential energy is the energy of the hitter based on position. If the hitter possessed more potential energy, it will increase their vertical. A ball that has a lot of momentum is more difficult to pass. Momentum is an object with mass in motion. Momentum can be found by multiplying the mass of an object times its velocity.
Physics is involved in almost every sport. This subject can be somewhat difficult but if it is explained in a way where one could participate in the actions or see the actions happen, it makes it less difficult to understand. If one understands physics they can use the equations to calculate the velocity, displacement, acceleration, etc. of the ball or the player. Grasping physics through something that interests an …show more content…

“Volleyball through Physics.” A Plus Physics 23 April 2013. 15 November 2015.
“Kinetic and Potential Energy.” Diffen 15 November 2015.
“Momentum.” The Physics Classroom 15 November 2015.
“Physics and Volleyball.” Sportsphysics101 15 November 2015.
Serway, Raymond A., and Jerry S. Faughn. Physics. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 2012.
“The Science of Volleyball.” Weebly 15 November 2015.

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