Peter Travers 'World War Z'

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“World War Z”, a zombie apocalypse film, had an impressive box office success in 2013. Part of its feat came from many reviews and advertisements surrounding the film. One important review set the tone of how many viewers would see this movie. Rolling Stone’s reviewer Peter Travers highly enjoyed this film. When writing his review he explains how his expectations were surpassed by the newest apocalyptic movie. In the Rolling Stone’s review by Peter Travers he discussed how one of the newest zombie apocalypse movie rose to success. From the start of filming in 2011 Marc Forster’s film was weighted down with rumors of rewrites, reshoots, and production problems. Considering the ample rumors encircling World War Z, Peter Travers was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. He states that even though the scares may not have been quite as gory and grotesque as some zombie enthusiast would prefer; World War Z had intricate and dynamic scare tactics. He was satisfied by the nail biting scenes throughout the zombie flick, and …show more content…

The blurb insinuates that the movie is completely well rounded and includes all aspects viewers had hoped for. Though, Peter Travers stated that the movie did exceed his expectations, it lacked the usual zombie gore or R-rated scares. In the Rolling Stone’s review Travers discussed the flaws that had surrounded World War Z from the start, which in turn had lowered his anticipations of the movie. When the film premiered Travers was blown away by how excellent the movie actually turned out to be. Was World War Z perfect? No. The blockbuster had its downfalls, but it also had a better outcome than predicted. Considering these facts, the lifted blurb did not only pertain to one scene or opinion, but to the overall

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