Persuasive Speech On Refugees Research Paper

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Grabber: “No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark.”

Transition: A refugee is someone who has been forced from their country because of war, persecution or disasters. Refugees are the people whose home is “the mouth of a shark.”.

Transition: Due to the brutal civil war that is taking place in Syria, millions have been forced to flee their home in search of safety. 1 out of 3 people in Syria are refugees, and Syrians make up 78% of the world's entire refugee population.

Thesis: Currently, the world is facing the largest refugee crisis in history. With over 65 million people across the planet forced to flee their home country, the number of refugees surpases that of World War II. The United States unjust history with refugees …show more content…

Arriving in a country with little to no money is dangerous because you may not be able to afford food, water or housing. The sad thing is that many countries are not giving refugees the amount of help they need to get a life started in their country. Refugees are people too, and by setting small limits to the amount of refugees you will accept or refusing to welcome them into the safe country they deserve you are dehumanizing them. As awareness spreads, I hope countries will work together to solve the crisis going on, and put more effort into teaching refugees official languages, helping them get jobs, send kids to school and much …show more content…

Louis incident, jewish refugees were turn away over and over again by various countries around the globe. One good thing came out of the St. Louis’s trip, and it is the lesson we learned that countries should acknowledge the struggle refugees are going through and welcome them into their country with open arms. By denying these people refuse and safety you are taking away some of their innate human rights. In 1939, after word got out about the upsetting choices the United States government made regarding the topic of whether or not to let in the refugees, many angered citizens protested the choice to keep out refugees. In the pan of years between 1939 and 2018, not much has changed. Still, tons of good-hearted citizens want refugees to enter into their countries. Just a few years ago in 2015, a person from Iceland stated, “Refugees are human resources, experience and skills. Refugees are our future spouses, best friends, our next soulmate, the drummer in our children’s band, our next colleague, Miss Iceland 2022, the carpenter who finally fixes our bathroom, the chef in the cafeteria, the fireman, the hacker and the television host. People who we'll never be able to say to: “Your life is worth less than mine.” Today, governments around the world should start paying less attention to the possible negative effects of letting in refugees, and paying more attention to all the benefits that come with refugees. Lastly during the time the St. Louis was at sea, countries

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