Persuasive Speech On Conserve Water

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Introduction: Introduce Core Concerns
1. Attention Getter: Besides oxygen, water is the most important element for anything to live on the earth. 450 billion gallons of water are used every day in the US alone. However, less than 1% of treated water is actually consumed. The rest of the 99% is used for washing machines, dishwashers, sprinklers, toilets, pools, and countless other things.
2. Establishment of Ethos: We live in a country where we are fortunate enough to not even have to worry about getting access to water. So much so that clean water is something that we definitely take for granted. All water in the US has been cleaned to some extent. We can drink our hose water or even pool water and not get sick…or not that sick. In reality, 780 million people lack access to clean water. That’s 2.5 times the amount of people in America!
3. Thematic Statement: Today, I will like to persuade you to conserve water in any way you can and to be aware of how fortunate we are to have water compared to other parts of the world. First I will first give you and over view of the issue at hand. Then I will tell you ways that you can help make a difference. And finally I will inform you of the many actions that various organizations are taking to solve this problem.

1. Main Point 1: Overview of the Issue and statistics
a. As many of you may know, 2013 has set the record for the driest year in California history and this drought has continued into 2014.
b. Obviously, farmers are feeling the effect first hand. Many fields of crops are dry because farmers are being forced to bring in reserve water as a substitute of the runoff they normally take from snowcaps.
c. We, as consumers, we can feel the effect indirectly. Since less crops are...

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...all to Action
1. Summary: Without water, there is no way that life would be sustainable on this planet. It is without a doubt our most valuable resource.
2. Review: So today, I brought to light just how serious this water drought is, what we as individuals can do to reduce the problem, and what many organizations are doing to promote awareness and find more efficient ways of using water.
3. Tie to the Introduction: Many organizations are working to spread awareness of the issue so that people will conserve water in small ways in their own life. If each of us just takes a few minutes less in the shower or doesn’t just poor old water down the drain, imagine how much water we could be saving.
4. Creative Conclusion Thought: Benjamin Franklin once said, “When the well is dry, we know the worth of the water.” Let’s all do our part to make sure that well is never dry.

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