Persuasive Speech On Cancer Research Paper

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Cancer is a really bad and deadly disease and has caused many deaths around the world, but what if it isn't much of a disease but instead a business, so on the off chance that you had a business offering something that made you well over a hundred billion dollars for every year, would you find a way to kill the requirement for your business? Or, on the other hand, would you bend backwards for cash to keep coming?Cancer is a really bad and deadly disease and has caused many deaths around the world, but what if it isn't much of a disease but instead a business. from food to medicine cancer-causing things are everywhere and put there on purpose for profit. The government has many pros of this too , they make money and thin the population.I just think it's terrible that people could be so selfish and then take lives for money and go to sleep at night. Most people are skeptical when people claim this ,but proof is everywhere and be careful so you don't become a part of the biggest business in the US.

We eat a variety of food everyday fruits, veggies, meat and a lot more, but could the stuff we everyday give us cancer ? That answer is yes, …show more content…

It's not just surgery that can hurt you chemotherapy kills healthy cells along with cancer cells and it also can infect healthy cells. Chemotherapy has killed more than it has helped! Many doctors have admitted to giving chemotherapy even though they didn't need it . even simple medicines or pills have side effects that completely out bad the good and some are only bad and cause more conditions and ninety-eight percent of regular cancer drugs fail really bad as well as almost assured to make cancer patients sicker and make them spend money on those

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