Persuasive Speech On Adoption

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“Adopting one child won 't change the world: but for that child, the world will change.” (Unknown)( Adoption can take place in multiple shapes, forms, and fashions. You can adopt from a local adoption agency, or adopt from an orphanage half way around the world. You can adopt a child whose parents are no longer living, or you could adopt from a young mother who is not ready to raise a child. You can adopt one child who has touched your heart from an orphanage in Uganda, or a set of triplets being moved around from house to house in foster care. There are still further motivations and reasons for adopting. What if you and your spouse are unable to become pregnant? The desire to be parents does not diminish with the lack of …show more content…

Or what about a situation where a child you closely know is in need of a loving family? Maybe you were adopted, or your life has been deeply touched by adoption. Wouldn 't you want to benefit others lives in the same way? Now of course there are numerous hardships and dangers of adoption as well. The process of adoption can take anywhere from quite a few months to several years. You must connect with adoption agencies, complete home studies, submit important documents, and fill out possibly endless amounts of paperwork. The financial implications can also be quite large for the different required services to become an adoptive family. Also, when adopting, you don 't always know what you are getting yourself into. What health or behavioral issues will my new child have? Will they be strong and healthy? Or was their birth mother irresponsible during pregnancy causing developmental issues? All these aspects from how to adopt, why to adopt, and hardships of adoption will factor into ones decision to adopt and pursuing that decision, or …show more content…

Public adoption agencies are run by the state, and are therefore much cheaper or possibly even free. Generally the public adoption agencies focus primarily on special-needs adoptions, as opposed to an infant or international adoptions. They accept applications for older children, children with special needs, or children with siblings. Children in the public adoption system have predominantly been abused, neglected, or abandoned by their birth parents, which indicates the children could have emotional and physical scars requiring extra attention and care from an unfamiliar family. A private adoption agency is licensed by the state, but not paid for by the state, and can become quite pricey for families looking to adopt. According to, an adoption from a private agency can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $30,000. Private agencies execute adoptions domestically as well as internationally. They can provide a wider span of options since they are not funded by the state, and adoptive parents are already expecting to pay a greater amount. Adopting independently implies that you are in direct contact with the birth mother, and you have an adoption attorney assisting you in the process of adoption. Finding a birth mother in an independent adoption may require sending out your information to pregnancy crisis centers, posting it on the internet, or

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