Persuasive Essay: The Six Simple Solutions To Bullying

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What is bullying? When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once, that’s rude. When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they do it once, that’s mean. When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it, even when you tell them to stop or show them you are upset, that’s bullying, ("Bullying Basics.") Despite what many people believe, bullying (in schools) IS a big problem that can be solved by awareness and strict policies. The basic definition of bullying is aggressive behavior between two or more children that involves real or perceived power imbalance, ("Bullying Definition." Home). While most people may know what bullying is typically thought to be, they …show more content…

There are so many solutions that are looked over and ignored just because people think ignoring a problem makes it go away which is NOT true. If you are a victim of bullying you can tell the bully to stop, proceed to get away from the situation, and tell an adult, ("Six Simple Solutions to Bullying."). However, it may be difficult to handle all by yourself. If you see someone being bullied you can stand up to the bully and tell them to stop. You can even tell an adult and just reach out to the victim to let them know that they have a friend, ("Six Simple Solutions to Bullying."). Even if it “isn’t your problem” victims still need a friend. Even if you don’t know the person, you can give them the help and support they need. If you are a parent of a child being bullied make sure you take time to listen and support them. Follow up with the school to make sure they are safe, ("Six Simple Solutions to Bullying."). Being a parent with a bullied child makes it that much more important to take care of the problem. Your kids need to know they are loved and appreciated otherwise the effects can increase and possibly be life threatening. You can also help your community to create an identity-safe environment by creating a club/association where children lead each other to find new solutions, ("Six Simple Solutions to Bullying."). Whatever you are going through just know that you aren 't alone, there are solutions that can help you, and you will get past this and back to being happy, ("Solutions For Bullying."). There are so many possible solutions to this problems that if we all work together, bullying could be near to eliminated in a number of

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