Persuasive Essay: Should We Live Until We Die?

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One of the most famous saying of all time is that “we live until we die”. We start learning from the moment we are born, firstly the basic human functions, than our parents and society teaches us how to behave correctly, not to make bad things, to help one another. We go to school, we start learning all kinds of subjects, maybe for somebody some of them are irrelevant, but we are supposed to know a little bit from everything. With time, we start to love some particular subject better than the rest, we can`t wait until that class comes so we could learn more about that subject. When finishing high school, we are at one of the first and one of the biggest crossroads in our entire life – what next? Should we go to college and improve about knowledge (and if I go, to what college, and what could be my major), what should I do next with my life, what do I want to do for the rest of my life? But maybe the most important question of them all is does my …show more content…

This is a money-driven world, and college is not an exception for this. Starting from paying for every semester, books, uniforms, extracurricular activities, projects and whatnot, our parents and ourselves have to make big sacrifices to endure that. And somewhere around here, the debates about should this higher education be free started. If it would be free, wouldn’t than everyone go to college? The proficiency of the education will take a downfall, a lot of people will start going to college just for the purpose of going, just so he/she could have some fun, because that person didn`t know what to do after high school, maybe because all of their friends are going to college, maybe even because their high school sweetheart goes to college, so he/she can`t stand the fact to be

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