Persuasive Essay On Why Child Labor Should Not Be Boycotted

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Imagine you are thirteen years old. You are standing in a factory and you are making soccer balls. You are there every day. To some people, child labor is a bad, abusive thing. But, this kid could need this job to support his family and without this job, they would be really struggling. In the US, child labor is illegal, but in some countries, child labor is a way of life. Kids, almost every one of them in second or third world countries need a job like this, because if they don’t, they won’t survive. Products made under child labor should not be boycotted, because children in some countries could need the job to get money for their families, there is no bad behavior or crime, because of them working and these jobs prepare the kids for adult life. Products made under child labor should not be boycotted, because children in some countries could need this job to get money for their families if they are in poverty or just need some extra money for food or their house. “The main cause for
“There is no link to terrorist activity here… this will create a void.” (Montero) When these kids are working, they have something to do. They won’t have time for getting into any trouble. Terrorists are a huge problem in many countries and if kids working helps bring the level of it down, there is even more of a reason child labor is important. “Nike said it would raise the minimum age for hiring new workers at shoe factories to 18 and the minimum for new workers at other plants to 16, in countries where it is common for 14 year olds to hold such jobs. (Cushman) Some can say that all jobs should be sixteen years old and up, but when twelve or fourteen year olds have a job, they aren’t focusing on bad or harmful things, which is good for them and their

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