Persuasive Essay On The Glass Castle

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Child left in car for several hours dies of heat exhaustion and stroke. This headline has become all too common in recent years and it needs to stop. In The Glass Castle, the parents were never responsible for and didn’t care for their children. This is a growing problem in today’s society that can and should be prevented for the following reasons: Many children are left in cars while caretakers shop or even go to work, many children are raised to live off of the system the US government has in place rather than contribute to it, many parents are too dependent on daycare or alternate childcare and spend less and less time with their children, and finally children need love and attention from their parents so they can grow up and be good parents …show more content…

In The Glass Castle, after Jeanette’s family returned to visit her, “she noticed Brian’s head was wrapped in a dirty white bandage with dried bloodstains. Mom said he had fallen off the back of the couch and cracked his head open on the floor, but she and Dad decided not to take him to the hospital. (13) This is a prime example of parents not caring for their kids and not depending on healthcare to ensure their children’s future. Parents are working more and more as they continue to become successful and “climb the ladder.” Less and less attention is paid to children by their direct relatives because third party care is depended on and it is rarely as one on one as parenting is. The future of our country depends on the children today and we should not stand by as they are raised to be non-contributing members of society. Another example from The Glass Castle of parental neglect is when Jeanette fell out of the car and no one noticed. “I tumbled out of the car. I rolled several yards along the embankment and when I came to a stop, I was too shocked to cry, with my breath knocked out and grit and pebbles in my eyes and mouth, I lifted my head in time to watch the Green Caboose get smaller and smaller and then disappear around a bend. Blood was running down my forehead and flowing out of my nose. (30) It took her dad over an hour to realize she was even missing. This is horrible and shows that the parents definitely did not care for their children as in the instance of Jeanette and her mother eating ham that couldn’t be kept in the fridge since they didn’t have one. “Mom was sitting on the sofa bed, eating the piece she had cut. ‘Mom, the ham is full of maggots,’ I said. ‘Don’t be so picky’ she told me. ‘Just slice off the maggoty parts. The inside is fine.” (172) Since they did not have electricity and they couldn’t

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