Persuasive Essay On Photoshop

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Good Afternoon Photoshop/design experts How do you explain the constant power from the media over reality and perceptions? The use of Photoshop from companies, agencies and other media has created an impact on everyone, specifically to young teenage girls, giving them a distorted point of view of true beauty. So, why is Photoshop a harmful strategy to use in ads? The digital manipulation used on the cover of magazines affects the self-esteem of teenagers who begin developing a sense of morality and beauty. During this development commercial industries take charge in presenting their idea of beauty and create the illusion of a perfect individual causing society to change to meet the criteria rather than accepting individuals as how they truly look. Therefore, I strongly believe that companies/agencies should prevent the usage of Photoshop because it limits the perspectives and standards of how people can look like and still be accepted by others. When is it going to be enough? “A woman’s body image is an important source of her self-esteem. Approximately 50% of girls and young women report being dissatisfied with their bodies. These dissatisfactory feelings can play a major role in the development …show more content…

Eventually, it is shown how the juxtaposition used on the magazine convinced many teenage girls to admire and follow her tips on obtaining the “Amazing body.” The impact of image manipulation has brain washed and harmfully destroyed the lives of many young girls. The fictitious representations of women’s bodies are a great influence and will continue to affect our mental health. There is no need to cause the suffering, low self-esteem, depression, eating disorders and death that young girls go through by having control of every single media outlet with images that idealize what beauty should be

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