Persuasive Essay On Non Gmo

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Have you ever asked yourself what is Genetic modified organism(GMO)? Will in this paper I am going to tell you about GMO. Gmo is any foods or animals that have been modified genetically. There is too much Gmo in our food. We could cut down on how much foods have GM. We could also make more job for farming. We Should make more food with no GMO so we can all be healthy. To begin with, there is too much Gmo in our food. We should make less foods with GMO and grow more foods on farms. Also a lot of people prefer non GMO foods over GMO foods. If we also make more of our food on farms we can get more people to get jobs. “ GM critics also worry that transgenic crops could harm wildlife and cause lasting damage to fragile food chains. GM crops harm wildlife. Since some birds and small mammals feed on these crops they will soon disappear. They will disappear because they are making the crops “The Non-GMO Project is a nonprofit organization committed to preserving and building sources of non-GMO products, educating consumers and providing verified non-GMO choices.”() They are trying to educate people on the foods they are consuming. They also want to restore the traditional way of farming by trying to grow non-GMO seedlings. Furthermore there are possible ways to help stop GMO. We can stop farms from growing them and grow the original version. Also a way to decrease GMO is to stop buying them. If less people buy GMO products it will go out of business. Then when they go out of business old traditional farming will come back. Another possible way to stop GMO is to start campaigns. This will help because the government sees that we are trying to stop it so they will help. To sum up, We could cut down on how much foods have GM. We Should make more food with no GMO so we can all be healthy. We could also make more job for farming. This is the reasons I do not like GMO. I hope you enjoyed reading this

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