Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Why isn 't marijuana legal in the United States? Marijuana could serve many purposes to the human body and the community. In 1937, the government issued the Marijuana Tax Act. This act immediately criminalized marijuana. This means you can not have possession of the drug for medical purposes or not. This act is still in effect today, but it should be repealed .
In 1940, the import of hemp during World War II was a big factor in creating supplies such as parachutes or cordage. In the 1960’s, President Kennedy found from research that marijuana does not induce violence or lead to heavier drug use. George Washington, the first president of our beloved country, grew cannabis on his plantations. Thomas Jefferson also grew hemp as a reliable …show more content…

This legalization allowed anyone to smoke and possess up to an ounce of marijuana as long as you are over the age of 21. Colorado is not just making a difference for the people that need it medically but even a difference for the people that do not need it at all. Since they legalized the drug in Colorado, petty arrests have decreased from almost 6,000 yearly to 120 yearly. As an added bonus, Colorado made a profit of almost seventy million dollars in marijuana tax revenue . This money went towards improving schools and the community. The alcohol revenue earned grew and just under forty two million in the same year. 19.6 million will go to the education system for Colorado in comparison to the previous year when there was only 13.9 million going towards the education (Ryan). Not only did it create revenue for the community and school systems, it also created many open jobs for people of the area. It also helps provide information about medical marijuana and where it comes from .
Since legalizing marijuana in Colorado, the state recognized the need to educate the people and children on the drug as well. Colorado came up with “The Good to Know Campaign”. This campaign addressed the issue of giving marijuana to anybody under the age of 21. Doing this is a felony. This campaign is mainly to raise awareness for younger children, since their brains are still …show more content…

Marijuana will be taxed just like alcohol in the United States if legalized . Rules and regulations will be issued by those states to make prevention of drugged driving. There will be laws and regulations to buy marijuana in general . United States history has involved marijuana since our first president . If this were to be the marijuana act would be lifted and the law would no longer be in effect same rules and regulations as california , colorado or washington. Cancer patients would be one of the greatest profiters from the legalization and the revenue from taxing it will come. Colorado’s revenue made 316 million off of medical purposes and 318 million in recreational use. With tax revenue like that we would be able to provide better education and projects for for school systems as I have mentioned previously(Colorado 's Legal Weed). Crime rate as went down in most of the places that have legalized it as well for petty crimes such as small amounts of marijuana and petty theft. The outlook on marijuana is totally different from now and when Ronald Reagan said that marijuana is one of the most dangerous drugs in the world.Marijuana was served for the different purposes then and now by the people. Back then they were smoking and mixing other drugs in with the marijuana which is the reason for legal marijuana. If be have a designated area to purchase their marijuana

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