Persuasive Essay On How To Eat Burgers

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If you love to eat hamburgers from time to time, this article is going to be worth for you to read on. You know why? It is time that you should be trying on the healthy version of hamburger. In this article, you are going to learn how to cook the easy veggie hamburger recipe. Of course, not everyone likes to eat vegetable stuff right? You can’t simply convince them to eat vegetables all the time, because each and every one of you has different interests in eating foods. Expect that not all people are going to appreciate and like this recipe because of their different interests, especially if they don’t like to eat burgers at all.
You know that hamburgers are a very common snack around the world. Of course, hamburgers are not just for snack …show more content…

But before that, take note that some of the ingredients being mentioned can be mixed by your own creativity. If you want the easy veggie burger recipe to be quite something you have ever imagined, just use your own imagination and come up with your own toppings to make it look attractive and mouth-watering like no other.
Take note that this could serve up to 18 small patties, which is already good enough for you, your family and friends to enjoy. If you can’t wait to learn how to cook and prepare this one, here are the necessary steps you need to take for good.
Step One: You’ve got to medium heat two tablespoons of olive, coconut or grape seed oil in a pan. After this one, you’ve got to fry the veggies, garlic and onion for five minutes until softened.
Step Two: Once you’re done heating them, it’s time for you to transfer them into a food processor. Add some liquid flavor like soy sauce or mustard, kosher salt, beans and spices until they look chunky. Pulse in a cup of oatmeal, bread crumb or any dry base ingredient after this

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