Homework Is Bad Essay

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CNN interviewed parents on homework load on their children, and this is what one of them said, “We just need to figure out what the right dosage is. Currently, it is much too high,” (Levine). Lew Levine is one of the parents that think that homework is too much for teenagers and kids. Excessive homework can have a lot of effects in adolescents and children.The topic about excessive homework is very imperative because most of the students in the American School of Tegucigalpa spend a lot of time doing them and barely get to sleep enough time.A lot of homework can cause several things among teenagers, including lack of sleep, stress and it decreases the family time. Lack of sleep is a crucial issue and topic in people's life. As reported …show more content…

Homework causes teenagers too much stress.Most of the students in the American School of Tegucigalpa they think, “Homework is being given a lot,” and they say it,“Gives them a lot of stress and they waste up their free time,” (The American School of Tegucigalpa student survey).Fifteen out of fifteen students say,“ Homework should be lowered down,” and that,“ People should spend one hour in homework maximum,” ( The American School of Tegucigalpa student survey ). Some people might think it is just students who think homework is being overused, but that is not true because teacher and parents believe that also. As researched, “Homework has been multiplied three times more than past year,” (CNN). They also investigated that, “The standard, endorsed by the National Education Association and the National Parent-Teacher Association, is the so-called "10-minute rule" -- 10 minutes per grade level per night. That translates into 10 minutes of homework in the first grade, 20 minutes in the second grade, all the way up to 120 minutes for senior year of high school,” (CNN). If this were made it would be very helpful because teenagers could have manage their time better and they would know how many time doing homework would take them. Stress is a problem but is not the biggest problem in the picture because stress can cause a lot of other things. 15minutes4me is a website where they have a daily self-help program, and they researched and figured out,“Stress can result in depression, aggressive behavior, and suicidal tendencies,” (15minutes4me ). Several teenagers, in a fit of stress and tension, take to fighting, drinking and smoking.This is very important because something so limited like homework can lead to something so big as depression.Also, it can lead to drugs and other stuff.That is why homework should be lowered down because of one of its many harmful effects.After mentioning two very important effects of

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