Persuasive Essay On Education Reform

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Education has been a hot topic in every political campaign, top news headline, and teacher’s first thought when they head to their classroom to teach America’s future. The education system is the most vulnerable aspect of a nation. It is the building block for creating successful individuals who dare to dream of changing the world and have the power of doing things people only dream of. A country is only as strong as the weakest link and for America it’s the uneducated. For as long as anyone can remember there has been one thing that the majority of the news headlines, workers strikes, and state questions have revolved around, education reform. Three highly educated authors provide three common overlapping issues that harshly impact the education system in the United States. In the article “Why the United States is destroying …show more content…

In the article “The failure of American Schools,” Joel Klein points out that the education system is clearly broken: but the concern to correct the issue is clearly not there. Why would politicians want to correct it when it benefits them financially and politically? He describes how the teachers unions give tremendous support to the politicians; through rallies, going door to door and by also being one of the largest financial contributors to political parties involved with the issue. The unions are clear on what they want and the politicians tend to generally oblige. Politicians have put different programs into place to wedge the gap between low income and high income schools and ethnicities, and each time they have failed miserably. When trying to fix a subpar educational system, trying to focus on one area will not yield the success that the United States needs to become a top tier educational entity

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