Personal Reflection Of Epicurus: My Philosophy Of Life

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Everyone has their own outlook on life. Most people feel like money and success brings them happiness, while others think love is all they need. “For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul” (Epicurus). Our philosophies change over time as we grow older and wiser. As a child I thought the world was full of so much happiness, love, peace and joy. Once I grew older my philosophy became clear that there is more to life than just living. In the world today it is best to have something that makes you look forward to the next day. Like family, friends, and personal goals. Being able to have overall balance of happiness, pain and the existence of God, is my guide for living.
The philosopher Epicurus had multiple techniques for obtaining happiness. The technique that drew my attention was “instead of dwelling on the pain, recollect one of those moment in the past when you were most happy”(….). This technique works for …show more content…

He stated that “happiness is a life of virtuous activity in accordance with reason”. (Aristotle). The importance of this quote is happiness can neither be gained or lose in a few hours. It is a value of your life measuring up to your full potential as a human being. Aristotle reveals that you should not announce your happiness has been lived until your life has come to an end. It does not just take one day to fulfil happiness it takes time. The secret to achieving most of your happiness is having a good personality. Developing a good personality will require strong effort, you have to wat happiness for all the right reasons. For instance, being addicted to drugs. This is top issue in the world today that is often mistaken as a pain reliever and a way of happiness, but once it’s out of the system everything comes back. We cannot try to substitute real happiness for the knock off brand. Happiness comes from within and help from family. Friends, and

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