Personal Narrative: When Trouble Came To The Neighborhood

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When Trouble Came to the Neighborhood My elderly next-door neighbor thinks that I try to do too much around my house by myself. He wonders why I don’t get a husband to help me in some of the chores involved in owning a house. Although I’m usually very quick to promote my Wonder Woman ideology and be the vanguard of the Independent woman, when he offered to shovel up the three-days-dead possum some dog had dragged into my yard, and put it in his own trash barrel, I found I didn’t much mind taking the damsel in distress role. Melvin’s wife died not too long ago, and I think he is now courting the cat lady, who lives further down the street in the house with the iron gate and about a dozen cats lounging on the front porch. About a month ago, one of her cats gave birth in my garage. Three adorable gray & white spotted kittens. When I said to her, “I think there’s something that belongs to you in my garage,” she replied, “I guess it’s time to get little Dixie fixed.” I would agree with that assessment. She did not, however, offer to get the cats out of my garage. Eventually, Little Dixie took matters into her own paws and took the kittens home. Good cat.
Across the street and two doors down is Javier. …show more content…

He knew what Whataburger bags contained and would plant himself between the bearer of the bag and their front door, wagging his tail and giving his best impression of adorable 80 pound puppy. He quickly became a beloved neighborhood mascot. Only problem—he did not want to be touched. I take that back—he seemed to desperately want affection, but would shy away if you got too close. And he was deathly frightened of a collar, visibly quivering at the sight, and twisting away and snapping if you got too close with one. I don’t know what kind of abuse might create that reaction (and I really don’t want to know), but it made getting Trouble to the shelter a bit

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