Personal Narrative: What I Learned In My Class

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I have found this class to be a challenge, not so much because of the work that needed to be done, but a challenge for my time that I don’t necessarily have. I chose to go back to school because I want to better my life, I want to do something that I am passionate about, and I know it’s the right choice for me. On my first day of class, I had mixed feelings. I know that this class is a requirement for my degree, but I struggled with why it is truly needed to be able to become an engineer mechanic. So, my first day, I felt excited because this class helps me get one step closer to reaching the end. I also felt frustrated, thinking about how I was going to have time for class and the work that went with it. I have to go to work every day, sometimes …show more content…

I have learned the most from writing all the different paragraphs, my writing skills are stronger now and I feel more comfortable with having to write an essay. In the beginning, it was a challenge to find enough to say in my paragraphs without having to repeat myself, but with the skills I have learned in class and in the book, it is easier to write lengthy paragraphs. I learned a lot about the different types of sentence structures: simple, complex, compound and compound-complex. I didn’t know much about the different types of structures and never really put much thought in it before this. I did enjoy learning this concept and learning about the types of clauses and how they make up the different structures. My biggest challenge has been the thesis. This is something that I don’t remember having to do much of in school before. I thought it would be easier than it looked, but I have found it challenging. My skills overall in writing and grammar have improved from taking this class and I am thankful for everything that I have learned. I know I will need all this as I continue down my educational …show more content…

Time has been my enemy and constantly working against me. I came into this class knowing the challenges that I was being faced with and knowing the obstacles I would have to overcome. I feel that I have done my best in balancing my time wisely. I have had to sacrifice less important things in my life to make time for learning. I have long days that are comprised of classes, working, studying, and limited time for my loved ones. I have done my best to make it to every class possible, I know I have missed some, but not by choice. When I do miss class I always ask others about what I missed and I try to catch up. I read and review the material whenever I can find the time, during breaks, when I get home and in the morning before class. A few days I have lots of time and most others, not so much. I have reminders set on my phone to remind me of due dates and quizzes and some peers that also send me reminders. I have found all this very helpful with keeping me on track and helping me

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