Personal Narrative: The Struggle Of My Sexuality

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Over the past two years my life has been a series of ups and downs regarding the struggle of my sexuality. During this time, my journey has expanded from coming out to only a couple of people to developing a strained relationship with my mother after meeting Seth, a boy who has unexpectedly changed my life. Although these moments in my life have led to irrefutable struggles, I’m confident that these past two years were essential in shaping who I am today. It all began in August of 2013, when I met a girl named Cassidy. We met while working a shift together at Food City. A few weeks passed and Cassidy invited me to go to the aquarium. The peak of our conversation happened in the car ride there, when she told me she could tell I was gay. I then made the impulse decision to tell her that she was right; I was gay. She was very understanding about it and revealed to me that she was bisexual. It was then that I realized she was the first person that I had ever told. From there, I began to feel like I no longer wanted to hide myself from the world, and then the real journey began. After I came out to Cassidy I realized it was time to make a tough decision. I needed to tell my mom. …show more content…

Seth was a junior that year and I do not remember much from that time other than seeing him. We never really talked or associated with one another. Then, in February of 2014, we started conversing through the app Snapchat. I knew from the beginning that I really liked him. The following June, I sent him a picture of a rainbow bracelet, which led to us revealing our secrets to one another. We began talking almost everyday and quickly became more than friends. A week after we started talking we went on our first date to a hike in Norris. The hike was so wonderful. I had not had that much fun in a long time. After that magical day in Norris, we began to hang out more and more. Without a doubt, it was the best summer of my

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