Race Car Research Paper

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The racecar was not the most creative or what some would call beautifully designed. But the owner and his father worked for weeks on that little wooden block to turn it into something the ten-year-old boy could be proud to race. A previous race showed what needed to be done for a car to make it in the top five. After careful designing, sanding, painting, and graphite the car was finished. The day of the race, many were oohing and aahing over expertly designed and decorated cars. It was easy to pick out the cars a father or grandfather created without the interference of a child. The little boy who carefully designed and painted his car was up against several professional looking cars. He was nervous and his Dad and Momma were nervous. The buzzer sounded, the gate dropped, and the cars took off down the track. All of them slowed down or stopped half way to the finish line except for the little yellow and black car. This happened every time the boy’s car raced. His Momma’s heart swelled with pride because she knew he would not win for creativity or perfect painting and design. …show more content…

The first thing out of my husband’s mouth was “this is his race, his car; he did most of the work himself with some graphite for speed. I wanted him to have a car he built and could be proud of whether he won anything or not.” That little car did two things that day, it finished each race and made a 10-year-old boy proud. In the end, my son’s car took home 1st place in

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