Personal Narrative: My Journey Of Independence

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I was once in a similar situation like yours. I was trapped and I wanted independence. You are beginning your journey of independence as a woman and this letter will offer you inspiration. However, what will help you most along this journey is searching deep inside and finding what is most important in your life. I have heard much about your story and I will give you tips to solve them. I hope you find inspiration in reading about my story.Your story involved deceit and so does mine, but I am not the cause of it. I was unaware of the conflict that was happening in Rwanda, just like your husband was unaware of the deal you made trying to save his life. My family was trying to save me, just like you were saving Torvald. This conflict caused so …show more content…

I missed my friends from school and my family. Imagine being separated from Mrs. Linde, Dr. Rank, and all your friends that love you and being forced into this small space with strangers during war-time. My life could have ended at any second waiting in that bathroom. I was unaware of the situation going on with my family and was scared. I know that you want to get away from your family and become an independent woman, but I want you to continue to have a relationship with your family. I wish that I still had my family with me. Cherish the time that you have with your children because they could be taken from you in the blink of an eye. There are other ways to be independent than to abandon your family. I gained lots of independence when I started to teach myself English. Instead of reading the cult of domesticity, pick up the Bible. God revealed Himself to me while reading this book in the bathroom and while travelling through the streets of Hutu men. I was scared, but I relied on God. I felt the warmth of Him surrounding us in our time of desperation. I have learned to rely more on God than on other

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