Personal Narrative-My First Time To Disney World

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My First Time to Disney World
“If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all” -Bambi. But this is also something my mom said as we were getting on the plane about to fly to Disney World. We were so excited since this was the first time my sisters had been on a plane and I barely remember my first plane ride. We waited silently for them to call our numbers to go and board the plane. I could hear the footsteps on the cold metal of the floor as we walked to the plane. I could feel the excitement of everyone on the plane. We walked slowly to our seats and I held back from squealing with excitement. As we sat we got our electronics out and folded the desk out from the seat in front of us. The flight attendants were coming around cheerfully asking if anyone needed anything. Then the engine started and the plane rumbled. It slowly yet steadily moved towards the runway curving every few feet. We finally made it to the runway and the engine started gradually getting louder and louder until we were moving faster and faster and all of a sudden everything got quiet and the cars in the parking lot and the buildings around it got smaller and smaller.
We arrived at the airport after 2 short hours and quickly walked to the baggage claim area. This part took about 30 minutes on the grounds that …show more content…

It resembled a giant wooden castle. We parked and walked in and immediately a nice man with white hair and a beard asked to show us around and we said sure. He showed us the amazing crystal clear pool, the restaurant, the store, and the help desk. Suddenly he showed us to our room which was enormous with a hefty bathroom, a king size bed, a pull out couch, and there was this massive dresser like piece of furniture holding the tv on it. He showed us how to pull on a lever to pull out a bed from the dresser. There was a neat picture in the background, it was the setting of Bambi with an abounding number of other

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