Personal Narrative: My Curiosity

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From a young age, I was very curious. Curiosity caused my mind to see everything from a different perspective than most. I saw what could be improved and how I could improve. For example, when it came to editing movies, I was always able to see what could how it could have been better or I questioned how they had created it. My curiosity led me to try many different activities throughout high school, such as film camps, stage managing for plays, yearbook, and even creating videos for Rochester High School’s awards day. Finally, my junior year, I decided it was time I made films of my own for competitions. I wanted to have something that I could call my own. When it came to the two films I did for contests, I was there throughout the whole process. …show more content…

I believe that my curiosity is the key to my creativity, because if you are curious, you then feel the need to understand and push your limits. Although, I was able to step outside my comfort zone, I also felt as though I was being held back with all my

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