Personal Narrative Memoir

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Daily Struggle: Personal Narrative Memoir

They say the struggle you’re in today develops the strength you need for tomorrow. We might think to ourselves at one point that a certain endeavor will be infeasible, but at the end of the day, overcoming it is an incomparable feeling. One seemingly peaceful morning, my family woke up from their slumber to the sound of several phones ringing in what seemed louder than alarms in a firehouse. It turned out that my grandfather’s health diminished at a rapid rate. And that, marked just the beginning of one of the biggest disasters in my life. After realizing how bad the situation had gotten, my mom bought a plane tickets to London, where the greatest person on earth resides: my uncle. My grandmother …show more content…

I constantly found myself waiting for that foreign number calling me to say that everything was okay. After a few nights without any update from my mom, my dad and I became very concerned and worried. Then, one Thursday night, I heard my phone buzzing violently, warning me about a horrible storm about to take place. All I could think in that moment was, “It’ can’t be, it can’t be.” My grandfather died as a result of his third stroke. I could hear the sadness in my mother’s voice from the other side of the globe, and my heart broke into a thousand pieces that clung to everyone who passed by. After grieving, my mother decided to postpone her return date by a few more days, to spend a little more time with her siblings. With everything that was going on at home, it was bound to affect my progress in school. My grades drastically plummeted, and I had no interest in what was being taught. My father also started going to work a lot later than usual, which made afternoons and nights much more dreary. Apart from having all the responsibilities at home, I was also starting to feel lonely and misunderstood. Without my mom near, I realized that you should never take what you have for

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