Personal Narrative: Frisbee Golf

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On September 4th, 2016, my brother Josh and I went to a large, beautiful green park to try out some frisbee golf. The only type of golf I have played before is regular golf that includes a club and a small, white, round ball. Josh had recently picked up frisbee golf with his friends back home in Iowa and decided to bring the frisbees with him. He wanted to play in an area that had the rocky mountains as the background because he thought that they were breathtaking and peaceful for a quick game. He decided that on a warm, sunny day he would teach his sister how to play. Originally, when he brought up the idea of playing I thought it would be stupid. In my mind, I was thinking, what is the point of flinging a disc in the air hoping it would hit …show more content…

His wife, daughter, and my mom decided to go shopping for a good part of the day and my dad was at work so it was the perfect time to squeeze in a game or two. When we decided to leave to this nice park that we found from searching around on the internet, I noticed that my brother grabbed a black duffle bag. When I proceeded to ask him what was in the bag, he zipped it open to show me. Inside was an assortment of frisbees; two driver frisbees, a wedge frisbee, and a putter frisbee. When I saw these, I was very confused. I thought a normal frisbee would be used to play, but I guess there are special frisbees that can be bought in any sporting store for the game. Each frisbee is a different size and weight, which can create more distance between the throws. Josh explained each frisbee as a different type of club for each hit, the driver frisbee can be thrown the farthest out of the three, the ones he had were red and white and could go anywhere between 175 to 200 yards. Then there is the wedge frisbee that is used to get the frisbee close to the hole marker depending if the par is longer, his frisbee was blue and could travel between 100 to 125 yards. Finally, there is the putting frisbee that is used to hit the chained hole marker at a closer range, it was orange and could travel between 50 to 75 yards. When using each frisbee it is allowed to pick up the frisbee and switch them out …show more content…

When he saw that I was struggling with throwing the disc, he paused and watched my technique. He saw that I was not flicking my wrist and was instead forcing my wrist to twitch and holding on too long. The advice he gave me at this point was to act like I was going to strum a guitar and to let it flow naturally. I listened to that advice and when we got to the back nine of the little course I was feeling more comfortable with my strategy. The only issue with the back nine of the frisbee course was that there was a lake on the side of a hole and a couple rough patches in other areas. It definitely was for a more challenging game but it was still fun. My brother was very patient and my throwing was getting better. It even got to the point where I was beating my brother by a couple points but that didn’t last long because I think he was letting me win. Once we were at the end of game we realized that we had walked a little over a mile which is exciting because it didn’t even feel like we did as much walking and it proved to us both that it’s a great form of

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