Personal Narrative: Everybody Dies, But Not Everybody Lives

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Alan Sachs phrase “Everybody dies, but not everybody lives” (Alan Sachs) conjures every loner and scardy-cat’s deathbed nightmare. Six simple words spark the question “Have I lived?” in any mind, but few are able to answer that question with a “Yes”. I, Austin Motz, am a sixteen year old with two brothers and am involved in robotics, marching band, orchestra, cycling, and boy scouts and I’m determined to answer that question by saying I couldn’t have lived better. My life goal is to never regret, to never wish I did something differently. A feat like this is incredibly difficult to accomplish so a extreme amount of focus and work is required for my path to excellence in school, my plans to become an engineer, and my balance of time and extracurriculars. …show more content…

An observer looking in at my life would say I have an extreme case of FOMO, the fear of missing out. Reflecting upon this summer when I went to the boundary waters, a canoe spot in the wilderness, I would not slow down for anything. I stole every memory I could during this time, taking in every sight and sound. My friends, also there with me, wanted to take it slow and sit in camp for a day. I told them “everybody dies, but not everybody lives”(Alan Sachs) then continued to cruise around the bend, eager for what experience the lake had to offer. I simply wanted to make the most out of the time we had in the wilderness. I did not see the point in being there if we were not going to take advantage of it, so this pushed me to go further. I do not wish we rested and am glad I saw so much there. This instance is one of many types in my life where I am afraid of what I could miss. Today’s world holds grudges worse than ever before; a person’s past will haunt them forever. I am on a quest for my past to be the wind pushing my ship across the ocean of life. I don’t want to ever look back and say “I wish I did something differently there.” Instead, I will say “That was fun” while referring to academic, future, and personal aspects of my life. All of this amounts to me being able to claim that I lived while I stare death in the eyes. Will you be able to claim the same, or will you

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