Personal Narrative Essay: The Sidewalk Abuse

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I was looking at a picture of a sidewalk but not just any sidewalk the sidewalk i was looking at was bruised, beat up an abused. Not just any kind of abuse but emotional scars, life battle wounds something on a hurt but conquered individual would understand. That’s why I related to this sidewalk. Some may say it’s weird but that’s okay we all will go through our day if we haven’t gone through it already just give it time. My mom died on July 15, 2013. Losing a parent is like a deep depression that is filled with questions down from why it happened, to why so soon real life hurt. The Earth stood still that day, almost like it stopped spinning because someone I considered to be my everything was taken from me. The sun stopped shining and darkness covered everything around me I truly lost my way. Now that’s why I said I understand the sidewalk it’s cracked parts represent hurt, but there’s a curb there that blocks it which would represent my nana who has always protected and loved me no matter how torn or angry my mom’s death made me she never stopped believing in me or loving me.Also there is a road next to the sidewalk which reminds me of my friends who have always walked with me through the cloudiest days of my life.

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