Personal Narrative Essay-Jello In The South

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Jello in the South Food and family, for me they are inextricably linked. My best memories of food always include my relatives, although I realize that to some outsiders, our culinary traditions may be a little unusual. I am the proud product of two opposing traditions who both feel that through their imaginative dishes, they deserve the right to be the champion of cooking. My father is from Virginia, infamous for their fried, well, fried everything, actually, while my mother is a native New Yorker who believes that healthy and nutritious food is as important as knowing how to hail a cab. Because my dad’s side of the family lives in the south, we only travel to see them once or twice a year. But when we do, they make sure to treat us with their best cuisine. My grandparents may be the most southern people I know. They have very heavy accents, say y’all in every sentence, and they end all conversations by saying “Bye now.” Of course there’s barbeque, bread, and soda at dinner parties, but in the Simmons’ household, there is also green jello. Now you may be thinking “That doesn’t seem to bad. It’s just green colored jello right?” But that is where you’re wrong. This special treat is made by my beloved grandmother, who doesn’t really cook. She does, however, like to mess around with some food. Legend has it that one day …show more content…

All of these objects are from people I love. They are the people who will help me if I’m in trouble, the people I have never had the chance to meet, or people I will never see again. Whenever I look at those items, it brings me back to the times I’ve had with them or stories I’ve heard about them. Whether the memory is hearing my mom talk about her mother’s dinner parties filled with fancy talk and tea or reminiscing about the time I had to eat green jello, I love them

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