24 Hours of Drama: A Personal Narrative

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An Eye for an Eye By the time I’d gotten to Latria’s, I’d already told her about picking up my bangles from mom’s house, Jason and the fake flyer, Trent and his late night conversation with Diamond, and Boogie coming on to me. After hearing about all of those things that I’d encountered in less than a 24-hour time frame, Latria already had our drinks poured when I arrived. I hadn’t been over to her place for a while, and I noticed that she’d painted the kitchen a sage color and hung new curtains. I kicked my shoes off at the front door and went to sit on my favorite couch. When Latria bounced around the corner, she handed me my drink, and I took a sip. She knew how to make a mean Pina Colada. Before she sat down, she took off her shoes as well and sat on the other end of the couch. “So what are you going to do?” She asked. …show more content…

You can confront him and stay, confront him and leave, don’t confront him at all and collect more evidence for a divorce or you can give him a taste of his own medicine” Latria suggested. “Now you’ve got a good point. I’m not going to confront him just yet, and I’d like to give him a taste of his medicine first” I chuckled, as I shook my bangles at Latria. “Girl, he’s in trouble now. Those bangles mean business. So, are you going to go back to doing all of those scandalous things that you used to do?” She asked as she dug into her oversized purse. “Well, I know that I’m going to screw Jason, just as soon as his plane touches down in Virginia. As for Boogie, I don’t think I’m going to pursue him after I rejected him already. I am very curious about Diamond, though. I would like to know where they met and how often he’s been with her” I said. “Honey, trust me you don’t want to know about the personal stuff because you’ll never be able to get it out of your head” Latria assured, as she continued to dig in her purse. “What on earth are you looking for?” I asked as Latria pulled out some crumpled

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