Personal Narrative-Balance

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Balance Beads of sweat form on my brow as the sunlight beats down on cobblestones. The clicking of the horse’s hooves are muffled by the clamor of the market place. Upon reaching the end of the street, I swing down from the saddle. Gripping the hilt of my sword, I approach the vast chapel. I inhale, knowing the answer to my request, before it even passes my lips. I have to try. After all I am going to need his help. “Sir, would you like us to accompany you?” My lieutenant called from atop his horse. I wave the lad off. This is just between old acquaintances. “Come get me when the scouts return. This shouldn’t take too long.” “Yes sir.” Pressing my shoulder against the huge wooden doors I proceed. My footsteps echo across the nearly empty …show more content…

What makes you better than the monarchy?” “I don’t know Sammy,” I bite off. Anger burns like fire in my veins, clouding my senses. “I am not forcing them to fight, am I? Or to burn down people’s villages. I am not demanding they slaughter family’s for the good of the kingdom.” I step towards him bridging the gap between us. Glaring into his eyes I search in vain for any shred of emotion. “By starting a war with the monarchy, those things will come to pass for you it is just a matter of time. You really think those soldiers wanted to do those deeds. You and I have both witness how war works. You follow the order you. You go home. You do anything to go home.” His raspy voice smooth like stones in a river. My fingers twitch. Everything in me wants to beat his face into the stone. “Except when I went home, I was greeted by my wife hanging from the statue in the main square.” Letting out a breath I try to control my own body. I didn’t come here to fight him. I need his help. That is why I am here. I turn stepping away from him. Fearing that if I do not one of us might not

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