Personal Narrative

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I sat and watched a forty-year old woman who could not pick up her own tissue as she sobbed about her condition. She lost her hands and legs to no fault of her own. I was mesmerized as my father skillfully interviewed her with compassion while he was obtaining the information to evaluate the legal basis of her claim. As a child, I would often accompany my father to his office, the courthouse, other law firms, and clients’ businesses, which only increased my curiosity for all of the work behind investigating and developing complex cases. I would especially look forward to the days when I accompanied my father to the Harris County Civil Courthouse to try cases, as well as for depositions and hearings. Additionally, I spent many years attending …show more content…

Over winter break, during my junior year of college, my younger brother unexpectedly passed away and it shocked me beyond belief. I then personally understood the devastation of sudden and unexplainable loss. Returning to school was crucial to me because I did not want to risk graduating late and I was certain that brother would definitely have supported my decision to return to school. Against the advice of my family and friends to take the spring semester to grieve, I went back to college two weeks after my brother passed away. While this decision was difficult, it was the right one. If I did not return, I would not have been able to graduate on time and most likely would not have been able to fulfill my dream of beginning law school upon graduating from …show more content…

Her blood pressure dropped to abnormally low levels after an urgent care center misdiagnosed her and mistakenly overflowed her system with fluids. As a result, she had to be transported to a hospital in shock. The doctors in the cardiovascular intensive care unit had to place her in a medically-induced coma in order to use machines to operate her heart. When my father took breaks after long shifts of watching over my sister, I would step in to relieve him. At those times, I was the only one who was there to advocate for her. While a hospital is designed to be a compassionate place for healing, they are often understaffed. As a result, I further learned the gifts of an effective advocate. I found myself quickly learning about what my sister needed and how to acquire what she needed from various departments in the hospital. I learned that working with the system made a difference for my sister as opposed to complaining about the circumstances. Thankfully, the infection in her body resolved and her heart started working by itself after several days as she slowly started the recovery process, in which I was heavily involved. Although her life-threatening condition was very frightening, this experience provided me an additional real life application of advocating for those in

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