Personal Narrative

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I couldn’t believe the site was real. The police came and simply reported it as an allergic reaction not even seeing it as potential murder, this guy must be good if the police don’t even think twice about it. They needed to remove the body, so everyone got the rest of the day off. Meaning I could rush home, scramble through my belongings grabbing everything important, before heading to Walmart to pick myself up some useful goodies. An AR15, two pistols, a bullet proof vest, binoculars and three different sticky trackers. Thank god for America’s loose weapons law. I trade my luxurious bmw for a second hand jeep wrangler with pre registered plates so he can’t track me. My life feels like one you see in a hard-core action movie, it’s what …show more content…

I feel my eyes becoming heavier as the night grows longer, until the glaring front lights of a blacked out Chevrolet impala begins to cruise down the street, edging closer and closer to my house. I could hear my heart beating through my ears as the car parked itself a few metres away from my house. Out came something I’d expect to see in the movies, a man fully dressed in black with aviators covering his eyes. He left the car running as he walked along the path, maybe he had plans for an easy target, “that’s certainly not what he’s gonna get” I said to myself. I took notes of things, from his number plate “FM-5463” to how many weapons I believed he could hide within his outfit. He spent a lot of time inside my house, “What could he be doing?” I asked myself, I really didn’t enjoy the feeling of being clueless. He finally emerged, climbing back into the impala, but not before throwing a scrunched up paper ball onto the road, I knew exactly what this was, it was the note I had left him earlier. I couldn’t withhold the laughter leaving my mouth, “He knows exactly what he’s up against now” I said to myself. What did the note say you ask? it read two simple words “Try again”. I drove a few miles to the Rosen crown Motel and booked a room under the name Thaddeus Stone in hopes to evade detection, it wasn’t anything special, I just needed somewhere

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