Personal Essay: The First Football Game Of My Life

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Although we lost, my first varsity game was the most intense football game in my life. Two years ago ,my freshman year, was the last time I ever played football Until now. We was the greatest freshman team in our league. Our record was 9 and 1 and we were LEL champions. We lost our first game because we came unprepared, but After that game we never lost again.That was my effective and also my last year playing football until now. My junior year fourth quarter I really had to step up my grades so I can be eligible for next years football team. It was my last chance to play football so I couldn’t screw it up by not doing my work.The school had hired a new head coach for my senior year and he was on my butt about my grades because he really wanted me to play. He was preparing us for the burdensome season ahead by keeping us in the weight room. I never felt stronger than I do now because of our weight room program. I was ready for training to start. When training started I couldn't wait for it to be over. The new coach put us through hell the first couple weeks. Every morning we would have to wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning for a 6:45 practice time. It was one of the most difficult things I ever had to do. He made me dislike football for a minute. After all the running was over and we started learning plays, …show more content…

Everything we did, we did hard. The intensity level was through the roof. It was all to prepare us for our first game. For me it was my first varsity game in my life. It also was my first game since two years ago when I played my freshman year. When the game finally came my I didn't get much sleep. I was so ready and my blood was pumping. When the first play was about to happen and I was on the field my adrenaline was going. I was more nervous than I have ever been. We ended up losing the game but it was a very close and good game. It was the most intense thing I ever went through in my

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