Personal Change Management: Complex Process Of Change And Transformational Change

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According to Oxford dictionary, transformation is a marked change in form, nature, or appearance. Personal change management is based on our preferences and available alternatives. In terms of organizations, however, the complex process of changes takes a lot of efforts and time. It involves drastic changes on organizational level that are caused by either external or internal triggers. The example of external change is when competition pushes our businesses to meet certain standards and provide the same or higher level of product quality or service. Internal triggers to change are when an organization detects internal faulty processes that fail to perform and should be corrected within an organization. There are lots of economic factors that could have transformational impact on our businesses. Therefore, force organizations to change and transform companies into something else. For instance, currency devaluation, market globalization, emerging companies, competition, the evolution of technology, the …show more content…

Incremental renewal is about business evolution by expanding current business into new product lines or services or to seek improvement in current lines of production. It is related to gradual improvement over long period of time. For example, Swiss Business School has been developing since 1998 by adding off-site programs, expanding international network, etc. Transformational strategic renewal is fundamental change such as brand or model of business. This type seeks to redefine customer’s expectations. Transformational renewal is drastic change that happens at once. For instance, McDonalds introdiced McCafe as an additional part of its chain. Even though transformational changes involve large scale of changes, we must try to explain the obstacles of these changes to come into life on individual and large scale

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